速報APP / 個人化 / Great White Sharks Slide To Unlock Lock

Great White Sharks Slide To Unlock Lock





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



Great White Sharks Slide To Unlock Lock Screen(圖1)-速報App

Great White Sharks Slide To Unlock Lock Screen

The great white shark, also known as the white shark, great white, white pointer or white death.

The great white belongs to one of the oldest groups of sharks: the mackerel sharks. Many of its members have existed, in close to their current form, for over 120 million years.

Great White Sharks Slide To Unlock Lock Screen(圖2)-速報App

Mackerel sharks have big mouths that extend behind their eyes, which they roll back in their sockets to protect them when feeding.

Most are warm-blooded, which means they can raise their body temperature to adjust to the water temperature. This gives them extra speed, and the fastest swimmers in the shark world are mackerels.

Some of the most familiar sharks – the great whites, makos and threshers – fall within this group. So do some unusual deep-sea sharks, such as goblins, crocodile sharks, and megamouths.

Great White Sharks Slide To Unlock Lock Screen(圖3)-速報App

Just enable pin code in settings and create your own password for your phone screen.

Lock Screen Features:

- Simple and clean replacement for default lock screen

Great White Sharks Slide To Unlock Lock Screen(圖4)-速報App

- Different HD backgrounds/wallpapers

- Slide to unlock

- Set password pattern for lock screen

Great White Sharks Slide To Unlock Lock Screen(圖5)-速報App

- Unlock sound enable/disable, Vibration enable/disable

- Customize sliding text and color

- Efficient: optimized battery and memory usage

Great White Sharks Slide To Unlock Lock Screen(圖6)-速報App